Robert W.O. Stone

Vicarious interlopers

Oil on Canvas
18 x 24 cm
Into the ames with my old concerns

Oil on canvas
100 x 150 cm
The night was hot and black like my girlfriends basement

Oil on Canvas
100 x 150 cm
Revelations connected to eating BIO - Organic produce

Oil on Canvas
100 x 150 cm
All souls day serenade

Oil on Canvas
100 x 150 cm
The organ unministered to

Oil on Canvas
135 x 155 cm
Death (in all his Sunday nery)

Oil on Canvas
24 x 30 cm
The afterlife club

Oil on Canvas
145 x 125 cm
I lived on a farm, I never lived on a farm...where did all my friends go? I don’t need nobody on my farm

Oil on Canvas
130 x 160 cm
Hated nightfall

Oil on Canvas
24 x 30 cm
Vicarious interlopers

Oil on Canvas
24 x 30 cm
A smart man world use this interlude to get a little stink on his johnson

Oil on Canvas
45 x 45 cm

Robert W.O. Stone

 Robert W.O. Stone nasce nel 1981 a Londra, dove intraprende una formazione artistica presso la Slade School of Fine Art. Numerose le sue mostre personali e collettive dal 1999 ad oggi, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.
La pittura di Robert Stone è felicemente scellerata, liquida, priva di regole e accademismi. Un dipingere che, di contro, ricerca un mondo a misura, un posto della mente dove gli individui si concedono spazi anomali, noia e sguardi fissi, libertà creativa, abbandono erotico. Emerge la tensione erotica di David Hockney, il suo individualismo elegante e libidinoso, la potenza di una narrazione intima che suscita emozioni palpabili. Ma il quadro è anche un coacervo di piani e stratificazioni, figlio di modelli alla R. B. Kitaj.
Robert Stone dipinge persone nel loro ambiente elettivo, costruendogli attorno improvvise aperture sul paesaggio, frammentando la scena con scarti e inserti adeguati. Impossibile racchiudere Stone nei generi, proprio come ci conferma la pittura britannica del dopoguerra ad oggi.


 Robert W.O. Stone was born in London in 1981, where he undertook an artistic training at the Slade School of Fine Art. His work has been displayed in several personal exhibitions and group shows since 1999, both nationally and internationally.
The painting of Robert Stone is happily wicked, liquid, without rules and academicisms. A painting which, on the contrary, seeks for a tailor-made world, some place inside the mind where individuals allow themselves anomalous spaces, boredom and fix looks, creative freedom, erotic abandon. What appears is the erotic tension of David Hockney, his elegant and lecherous individualism, the power of an intimate narration that raises palpable emotions. But the painting is also an accumulation of planes and stratifications, born from models in the way of R. B. Kitaj.
Robert Stone paints people in their elective environment, erecting around them sudden openings on landscape, fragmenting the scene with appropriate scraps and inserts. It’s impossible to enclose Stone in any genre, just as the Post-war British Painting proves us today.